Robin chats with Krystof Woldrich about Sentry’s error monitoring, performance tools, and the new Session Replay, which lets developers see exactly what led to a crash in their React Native apps!
In this episode, Robin talks with Krystof Woldrich from Sentry about boosting React Native apps with powerful tools like error monitoring, performance insights, and the new Session Replay, which lets developers see exactly what happened before a crash in real time!
This episode is brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is an expert React Native consultancy located in the USA. With nearly a decade of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter, core React Native contributors, creators of Ignite and Reactotron, and much, much more), Infinite Red is the best choice for helping you build and deploy your next React Native app.
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