React Native Radio

RNR 285 - Expo Dominates the App Store (and other news)

Episode Summary

We’re back with more React Native news! From the new Expo SDK 50 Beta, to RN 0.73 and Reactotron 3, this episode has all the goods.

Episode Notes

We’re back with another React Native news episode! From the new Expo SDK 50 Beta, to RN 0.73 and Reactotron 3, this episode has all the goods.

This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.

Episode Notes

  1. Jamon's epic pool-building thread 

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Episode Transcription

Jed Bartausky:

Welcome back to another episode of the React Native Radio podcast brought to you by Snow because nothing's better at turning my driveway into an obstacle course full of pain and regret. Episode 2 85. Expo dominates the app store and other news.

Jamon Holmgren:

Robin, I noticed that your background's a little different. Is that a virtual background or you're using a virtual background on Zoom, or what is this?

Robin Heinze:

It's a pretty expensive virtual background if that's the case. No, I moved. I am in a new house. I moved over the holidays.

Jamon Holmgren:


Robin Heinze:

So I'm in my new office. I had to deck it out for the recording today. It is all hardwood floors and my old office was carpet, so it was pretty echoy in here.

Jamon Holmgren:

Just add some reverb.

Robin Heinze:

Yeah, but I'm really enjoying having my own office. I'm not sharing it with my husband anymore.

Jamon Holmgren:

We don't get to hear Travis in the background of recordings anymore. Usually you would kick him out though for

Robin Heinze:

Recordings. Oh yeah. I would always kick him out for recordings, which he hated. So now he has his space and I have my space.

Jamon Holmgren:

He should have just joined us and talked about React

Robin Heinze:

Native. That was a missed opportunity.

Jamon Holmgren:

How much does Travis know about React Native? That's what I want to know. Not a lot. So he's not a software

Robin Heinze:

Developer. He's not a software developer. He's been learning a lot of coding stuff for his job. He works in manufacturing and they have a lot of tools and stuff that they do for reports and stuff.

Jamon Holmgren:

He's an engineer, right? He

Robin Heinze:

Is. He's a chemical engineer by training and he is moved up the ranks now. He's an engineering manager, but he does a lot of stuff in Excel and he's been doing some Python and some C, but it's not his primary job. It's kind of on the side.

Mazen Chami:

You probably inspired him with all your coding talk during these recordings and he's like, I got to get into this.

Robin Heinze:

Well, he saw me change careers and he is like, how hard could it be?

Jamon Holmgren:

How hard could it be? That sounds like unnecessarily dismissive. Oh, if Robin could do it. My

Robin Heinze:

Words is not his. Don't come for

Jamon Holmgren:

Him. Okay. All right. Don't for, yeah, let's not get Travis in trouble here. Alright, let's do intros. I'm Jamon Holmgren, your host friendly CTO of Infinite Red. I am living in the soggy Pacific Northwest.

Robin Heinze:

Oh, it's so soggy right now.

Jamon Holmgren:


Robin Heinze:

Man. It is last. I can literally, while where I'm sitting, I can literally hear the gutter. Just drip, drip, drip, drip because it's just full of so much water.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yeah, part of my yard is just full of water as usual. Anybody who's followed me on Twitter sent

Robin Heinze:

Pictures. You build your house in Swampland Jamon.

Jamon Holmgren:

In retrospect, maybe that was a bad idea. Have you checked your backyard this morning or not yet? I assume there's still a yard there underneath the water, but I did look out. Yeah,

Robin Heinze:

You didn't even need to put in that swimming pool.

Jamon Holmgren:

I've heard that joke before. Yeah.

Robin Heinze:

If you didn't know Jamon chronicled his putting in his above ground pool in a particularly epic Twitter thread while back. We'll link it in the show notes. It's a good read.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. It was quite a job, but right now it is a pool surrounded by water. So anyway, I am joined today by my charismatic co-hosts Robin and Mazen. Robin Heinz is director of Engineering at Infinite Red. She's located west of Portland, Oregon with her chemical engineer, managing, managing engineer, manager husband Travis and two kids and has specialized in React Native for the past six years. We also have Mazen Chami who lives in Durham, North Carolina with his wife and Todd. He is a former pro soccer player and coach and is a Senior React native engineer also here at Infinite Red. Alright, before we get into this, let's hear from our sponsor.

Jed Bartausky:

Infinite Red is a Premier React Native design and development agency located fully remote in the US and Canada. If you're looking for React Native expertise for your next React Native project, hit us up at Infinite Red slash React Native. Don't forget to mention that you heard about us through the React Native Radio podcast.

Jamon Holmgren:

Okay, thank you. Let's get into our topic for today. Today we're going to do another kind of, it's one of those we react to news type episodes where we're going to take a few different headlines around the React Native universe and react to them and kind of give our thoughts on what's happening. We haven't done one of these in a while and I think that it was a little bit of a slow news, I think through Q4. It was a little bit of a slow news cycle for React Native in some ways, but there were some important changes still with that. So I'm excited to get into it.

Robin Heinze:

Yep. We'll start off with Expo S TK 50. It's not the official release, but the beta has been released.

Jamon Holmgren:

Might be out by the time people listen to this. I dunno. We

Robin Heinze:

Should get my butt in gear because my app's still on 48. So yeah, expo SDK 50 beta is out, includes quite a few new things. So a lot of these things were announced in the expo launch party, which we actually did an episode about a while back and now we're starting to actually see them land in the SDK starting with the expo dev tools plugin, API, which is a big deal. I think more for library authors. If you're just a day-to-Day Expo user, this probably won't be something that you'll use. But library authors I think are pretty excited about this. It helps them debug and interact with their library as they're developing it just to make sure it's working and demonstrate it. So if you're a library author, check that out. What else do we have? Expo SQ lite next. If you use SQ lite in expo, they've rewritten it completely. Sort of a modernization. I think bringing it more I parity with what's out there today for web and node js, including async, asynchronous and asynchronous methods support for prepared statements. I'm just looking at the release statement now. Update callbacks and the blob data type. Yeah, a bunch of other things.

Mazen Chami:

This is

Jamon Holmgren:

SQL light's. Really cool.

Mazen Chami:

Yeah, I was about to say, this is a cool feature because a lot of times we don't think about offline mode first and this is one of those that enables us to do that, and I think just the ability to also bring it in line with the web API, because that's where I feel like most people that use SQL Light are familiar with it coming from. So making it easier to read and understand in that sense helps. But again, going back to my initial point, we need to be paying more attention to offline mode first. Again, some apps it's not in their, what do you call it, their user experience that they want the whole offline mode. Some do and this kind of gives us that ability.

Robin Heinze:

I think there's probably a lot of apps that don't think about offline mode that probably should think about offline mode. It's easy to forget it. Yeah, so turn your wifi off and test your app. Yeah,

Mazen Chami:

Well try to use your app

Robin Heinze:

First of all. Yeah, try to use your app. Can you use it at all?

Mazen Chami:

Yeah, exactly.

Jamon Holmgren:

This isn't in our notes, but there was a tweet by Guillermo from Versal talking about how mobile apps are not truly offline first because he showed a screenshot of that and said basically PWAs and websites are the future. He actually got a lot of flack for this, I think somewhat deserved, to be honest. He kind of cherry picked what he was saying. Here are some apps that don't work well without internet and they were apps that no matter what you do, just the nature of the app wouldn't ever work well.

Robin Heinze:

Would you ever have a need to use it with if you didn't have internet, you wouldn't.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yeah. But even with that said, there's still a good point there that if we don't as mobile developers take it seriously, it's not going to work. It's not going to work well. We're just going to make some assumptions that we're connected to the web. I think that actually websites have a harder time combating that because the only way you get there is through the web. So yeah, I think that, I dunno, mobile apps still have an advantage there. Well,

Mazen Chami:

We live in a day and age where there's so many wifi, well free public wifi networks and

Robin Heinze:

Everyone has really great, most people have really great cellular data too.

Mazen Chami:

Exactly. And you don't have to worry about it. But there's also, we don't have to go deep into it, but a discussion about if you as a developer still implement it and store some data in it that gets hydrated from your web. So you always have, maybe I'm thinking more e-commerce related apps. If you have a product timeline, instead of fetching every single time, you might want to put some sort of rehydration policy around when to update your SQL Light database. So it's always pulling from latest or maybe even some sort of socket when the product goes offline sold out, you write to your SQL database and that gets updated there. So not just offline mode, but then also some other realistic places you can use it because imagine having a thousand data records and just storing it in your state. That can get a little clunky over time.

Robin Heinze:

Yeah. I worked for a company prior to Infinite Red and they use SQ Lite extensively because their entire business model was taking apps and having customers customize them top down everything. And so basically they would bundle up all the customizations and then send an entire SQL light database to the client to install. So it was a really critical part of their app. But what's next?

Jamon Holmgren:

So we had Mark Avi on a while back to talk about Vision Camera, which is the sort of the gold standard of camera libraries within the ecosystem, but Expo also with SDK 50 is bringing some updates and modernizations to the expo camera library. It's kind of odd because usually we're used to expo libraries being the top, but Mark put so much work into Vision camera, there's just no way to ever close

Robin Heinze:

Expo themselves close to that. They say it, they even mentioned they're like, we expect Expo camera to work for most of your needs, but if you have more advanced use cases, use Vision Camera. Everyone kind of agrees that it's the best for the big stuff.

Jamon Holmgren:

You know what it reminds me of one time when I was a kid, so we used to go drive around and look at Christmas lights when we were kids, just look at houses that had decorations,

Robin Heinze:

Christmas lights, fun. I love doing that. Travis so hates doing that and I have to drag him, but I love it so

Jamon Holmgren:

Much. Well, as a kid I loved it as a dad, I get it, but you know what? I should still do it with my kids Anyway, so we get to this house and it is absolutely gorgeous. There's so much going on. It is packed. No, it felt like no square foot on the entire property that didn't have something going on. Just an absolute monster of an incredible thing. And the next house over had one strand of lights and it made an arrow just pointing to the other house.

Mazen Chami:

That's so smart.

Robin Heinze:

I would do that and write ditto in lights. So that's funny you say

Jamon Holmgren:

That. So they didn't quite mail it in Expo didn't quite mail it in like that, but they did say, go use Vision Camera. We'll

Robin Heinze:

Have to do that next year because our new neighbors apparently go all out.

Jamon Holmgren:

No, you should get in a competition, go get tons and tons and just

Mazen Chami:

Try the competition. Try

Robin Heinze:

To fight full national Lampoon. Exactly.

Jamon Holmgren:

There's also Expo fingerprint and what does that do?

Robin Heinze:

So the change in expo in SEK 50 looks like it's expo fingerprint and integration into the expo GitHub action. What Expo Fingerprint does is it basically validates your JavaScript bundle against a particular build of your app to make sure they are compatible. So if the fingerprint changes, then your bundle might not be compatible with your app and this just lets you know and it hooks into the expo GitHub action so it can run as part of your CI like, Hey, your fingerprint is not

Mazen Chami:

Compatible. This is one you wouldn't use on a day-to-Day basis, probably just on your CI to do a final check before going out to the stores.

Jamon Holmgren:

And I think that there's some interesting challenges they have here with over the air updates that

Robin Heinze:

Right? I think that, yeah, this is probably especially relevant for using EAS update to make sure you're not pushing a JavaScript bundle that's going to break.

Jamon Holmgren:

Right? Yeah. And as Expo and React native in general become more and more mainstream, which is happening, the companies that are using it are bigger and the stakes are higher, and so they need to have these tools in place. It makes sense. The big one of course is Expo router version three.

Robin Heinze:

I feel like we're going to have to do a whole separate episode just about this because the list of changes in V three is enormous. They have done a ton of work to this library.

Mazen Chami:

I think the one that we will all appreciate and you mainly jamon, I

Jamon Holmgren:

Was going to mention it, go for

Mazen Chami:

It, is that it's configurable and it doesn't have to, you don't need the app directory to basically run the router because that was something

Robin Heinze:

You can configure. Which directory is your source?

Jamon Holmgren:

This was a conflict with Ignite, which has been around forever. Yes, and it has forever had an app directory. I guess we had a source directory for a while, but we have forever had this app directory and then what Expo Router did was come in and said, no, that's ours. You go somewhere else. And so it was a little bit like, oh, come on. Really? We got to change everything we're doing. I understand why it was sort of to conform to the next standard that they're doing with their router, but with enough whining and complaining from me and maybe some others, Evan finally included. Okay, yeah, you can configure

Robin Heinze:

Where it's,

Jamon Holmgren:

But we don't

Robin Heinze:

Recommend it. He says, I know my favorite part is he says, well not recommend it. You can change after. I was like,

Jamon Holmgren:

Thanks Evan.

Robin Heinze:

Evan talking to Jam directly.

Jamon Holmgren:

I know, but

Robin Heinze:

Thank you for doing it anyway. We appreciate you.

Jamon Holmgren:

Thank you for doing it because, and the reality is I reviewed a code base just yesterday that was using Expo router and it looked weird because you had an app directory and then components next to the app, like what components aren't part of the app? Come on, come on, come on, come on. Anyway, yes, thank you. Yes, thank you for letting me rant one more time. I promise I won't anymore. So what I would recommend then is to configure it and go with slash app slash router or

Robin Heinze:

Something like that. So that change is our favorite, but it's hardly the most significant in three. Xlo router is now faster and smaller. They introduced experimental support for API routes all next.

Jamon Holmgren:

Wait a minute here. Next. What do you mean API routes?

Robin Heinze:

I think next js you can basically generate an API via your web.

Jamon Holmgren:

Hold up. Hold up.

Mazen Chami:

That's big.

Jamon Holmgren:

Is this like a next competitor though? That's what

Robin Heinze:


Jamon Holmgren:

Going after next.

Robin Heinze:

This feels like next JS is got some competition.

Jamon Holmgren:

Okay. We need to have Evan on. I think we, what were you saying before we started Robin? About Evan.

Robin Heinze:


Jamon Holmgren:

Evan has no lack of.

Robin Heinze:

Oh, he has no lack of cheekiness.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yeah. I love it. Evan does so much for the React native community. We love you.

Robin Heinze:

We appreciate and love Evan so much for all you do. He's actually going to come up later in this episode too.

Jamon Holmgren:

Of course. He'll,

Mazen Chami:

But we should have him on for a expo router discussion.

Robin Heinze:

Discussion. Yes. We should have an ex expo router the sequel because we had him on when it was pretty new.

Jamon Holmgren:

Well, I'm going to say let's move on then. There are other changes, but let's leave that for then and let's move to the next thing.

Robin Heinze:

The next thing I have to scroll down so far to see the next thing. So many expo router changes.

Jamon Holmgren:

I do want to mention React Native 0.73 came out. That is going to be its own episode. It's going to be kind of late. We're sorry about that, but that will be coming out. We're still coordinating to try to get that, but there's plenty of changes in 73. It's a fantastic release. We will talk about that Reactotron three Mazen. You want to talk about that one? Yeah,

Mazen Chami:

So this one, I think we announced it via our social media channels and our React native newsletter, but 3.0 is out. It's much faster. There's a really cool gif out there of comparing the old version, so two point x to 3.0 and you can kind of see the big B time. We've really optimized it. A lot of the team here at Infin has put a lot of time into it. I do like that you don't have to hook up console tron anymore. It just listens.

Robin Heinze:

That's a really nice change. That was always one of the more tricky things to configure. You were basically just modifying the monkey patching the console object and now it's so much easier because console log is just already on everyone's fingertips

Mazen Chami:

And all the TypeScript errors and now that we're strict mode, imagine all the errors Jamon. It's crazy.

Jamon Holmgren:

Oh yeah. Helping us

Robin Heinze:

Did not like

Mazen Chami:

Console. We did have a lot of complaints from the community about Android being very buggy. We have fixed that. We do realize that there might still be some edge cases out there, but it does handle a big majority of the issues. One of them was just being the whole a DB reverse tunnel, which can get very frustrating.

Jamon Holmgren:

We have some other ideas on how to make that even better, where we'll detect when that is the case and just give you a button to click. It will actually be easier than not using Reactotron at all where you'd have to figure that out. Reactotron will actually be an assistant that detects these states and says, yo, just click this button. We'll fix it for

Mazen Chami:

You. Exactly. You could use Command K now to get you directly to the timeline. So that's a quick shortcut.

Jamon Holmgren:

You can just clear it. Right? Command K.

Mazen Chami:

Yep. To clear the timeline. Sorry, that's what I'm saying. And then part of all this, it's now a Monorepo setup, so we've kind of future proof this a lot better. So you will get the direct errors from your app in the red box. So instead of bundled JS line 55,000, it'll directly point you to your file and tell you what the error actually is. And in my opinion, that's also probably part of why we have the stronger TypeScript type support within the repo to make sure we're doing this right.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yeah, we've put a lot more work in it. So Reactotron for the longest time we used it, lots of people used it, people have used it. I heard from one guy that uses it, his entire company uses it and they have something like 20 million users or something. Reactotron is free open source. You should be using it if you're building anything in React native. People like it.

Robin Heinze:

It's an essential part of my daily workflow.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yes, exactly. But one thing about it was we kind of didn't develop it much for about three years and it was because we lost our primary maintainer and people just told us, no, it works. You don't need to mess with it. And so we focused on some other things, but we're back. We're doing some, we have new maintainer core group and we're making some great changes, so definitely check that out. So speaking of Evan Bacon, I was going to

Robin Heinze:

Say, speaking of Evan, he's back.

Jamon Holmgren:

He put out a great blog post about, well, it's titled who's using Expo Open Source in 2024, and

Robin Heinze:

This is a very impressive list.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yeah, almost 1600 apps, probably over 1600 by the time you look at this. He keeps improving it and he said that he was detecting apps on the iOS apps store that were using libraries from the expo, SDK, including React navigation, and he lists them all. It is an incredible list of apps. I mean it's just

Robin Heinze:

Absolutely mind blowing.

Mazen Chami:

I guarantee if some of our listeners look at this, they will be shocked at the number of apps, and I was too because I just realized a bunch of apps I use on a daily basis are React native. I didn't know they were

Robin Heinze:

React native. Right. This is essentially a list of React native apps as well because if they're using React navigation and or expo, these are,

Jamon Holmgren:

And I recognize some of our clients

Robin Heinze:

In here. I do. There's some of our clients, Mercari is one Gas Buddy is another. There's also a handful that we can't talk about by name, but we are very proud to see on this list.

Jamon Holmgren:

Basically if it's a really good smooth one, then probably Infinite Red worked on it and if it's not, then it's one of our competitors.

Mazen Chami:

And if you see one on here that you a little bit like you guys can do better. Have them contact us please.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yep. Exactly.

Mazen Chami:


Jamon Holmgren:

I think that's a good sponsorship right there.

Mazen Chami:

And if you are a developer of one of these apps that are on here, please reach out to us too. We'd like to have you on Real Life React native at some point to kind of talk about your app and how you've gotten your app to be so successful on the store and even just working with React Native. I think a lot of people would love to hear from you that are working on it.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yeah, the email for that is RN radio at Infinite Red and it goes to all three of us and we will see it and we will respond.

Robin Heinze:

And if you don't contact us, we might start cold calling you. So

Jamon Holmgren:

We want to talk to people. We really do

Robin Heinze:

Want to talk to people who are shipping. We want to know the story behind all the apps on this list, how you're using Expo, how you're using React native, what your story is.

Jamon Holmgren:

We have 1600 stories to tell right now, so reach out. By the way, that's not all React native apps. That is just the ones that use some sort of expo open source. Yep.

Robin Heinze:

That's incredible.

Jamon Holmgren:

So coming out of nowhere, this guy Anise, I think is how you say his name? I connected with him on Twitter a while ago. I think he came, he joined Twitter last fall. He's a senior React native engineer at Basement sports and he published this incredible React native advanced guide

Robin Heinze:

That it is blowing my mind. I mean, we only found out about it. I mean he published it last week. It's brand new.

Mazen Chami:

It has 500 and over 500 stars

Robin Heinze:

Is thorough. This is incredible. If you're a React native engineer, especially one who's still learning or even one who's thought they were done learning this covers.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yeah, yeah. I mean I am kind of blown away by how much is going on

Robin Heinze:

In this. Just hitting the major sections, ultimate guide on the new architecture in depth, including Cogen, JSI, Hermes Turbo Modules, fabric Yoga, ultimate Guide on Debugging, profiling and Advanced optimization, all of the performance improvements profiling, using the debugger, using Chrome dev tools, ultimate guide on component testing with reactive testing, library guide on Hermes and static Hermes virtual virtual lists, optimization like flat list section lists, et cetera. It just goes on and on and on.

Jamon Holmgren:

It goes

Mazen Chami:

On and on. Purchases

Robin Heinze:

Components. This is incredible Hooks. We need to have this guy on the show. I want to know.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yeah, I'm going to reach out to him. I want

Robin Heinze:

To know how this came to be and yeah, we'll put it in the show notes, everything else that we've talked about. And yeah, please check it out and read through it if you're a React native developer, which I would assume that you are if you're listening.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yeah, it's called React Native Advanced Guide and it's on GitHub and it looks like it's totally free, so go check it out. There's also a new styling system out Mazen. What's that all

Mazen Chami:

About gi? So this is called Style X. My understanding is this is the styling library, CSS in JavaScript that Meta is currently using over their, I want to say they're using it on their React side, but then also the React native with their React native stuff. So Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, all their products are using this as their styling library. So I think a lot of different libraries that we see or that we've used in the past don't go about it the same way this library does. They do something that's very interesting where it's similar to style sheet, so you know how you do style sheet create and you create your object. That's how you set up your styles also. But at the same time, you can use them differently. So it's also kind hard to describe over voice, but they have something called Styles style X props.

So what that does is you pass in your different style, create style X, create that you've done, and then you put it into props and then it spreads it into your diviv or your view and all that kind of stuff. So it's very different than how we're used to things. I would recommend the users not just to jump into it right away, just take a look at it, see how they're doing things, and then kind of assess for yourself if you need to use it. It's just like it's a fast, scalable new library out there. I dunno if I'd say new actually, it's been around for a while.

Robin Heinze:

Well, it's from, so it's from Meta and it's supposedly the styling library that they use to build and and

Mazen Chami:

It's their web products, it's composable, it's all that we would want these to be and kind of gets you to the end goal.

Robin Heinze:

At the time it was announced, its reactive support was still a work in progress, but they are working on it or are done now. I don't know.

Jamon Holmgren:

I'm curious to use this on a real project. Of course, infinite Red, we use a variety of different styling solutions, but the one we generally reach for is what we do in Ignite, which is basically bare objects that are typed with type script and we usually proceed them with a dollar sign and it'll be like dollar sign container or something

Robin Heinze:

Like that. We don't even use, we colocate, we don't even use reactive style sheets. It's we haven't found a styling system that really meets all of our needs. So

Jamon Holmgren:

I do like Tailwind. I think Tailwind has some benefits, but it's more opinionated than usually our clients like to be. So if someone comes to us and says, I like Tailwind, then we'd do Tailwind. That would not be a problem, but it'd be really interesting to try this on a project and see what we can learn from that. And maybe this is something that will finally unseat the plain old JavaScript object.

Mazen Chami:

I kind of want to go off on a limb here and just talk about another styling library that's out there that was just released recently and it's React Native Uni styles. I dunno how to pronounce his name, but EK released it and I've been seeing it used a lot recently. It does a lot of what it seems like is new architecture support, c plus plus and JSI bindings, and it's supposed to be very fast because he does everything underneath the hood essentially. Again, a very different way of doing things, but I think it's pretty cool. And he has a benchmark on his repo where it's rendering a thousand views with Uni styles is the same as style sheet, so it's pretty comparable out there.

Robin Heinze:

So lots of new styling solutions to try for React Native developers. Sounds

Mazen Chami:

Like this one's more in depth, I would say than the Style X because it does have ability for theming and everything that you would need in a style dictionary or something like that.

Jamon Holmgren:

But yeah, this has been out for a little while, but since we haven't done one of these episodes in a while, we haven't talked about it. And that is that Amazon is now listed in the React Native showcase. They have five apps in there. It's really cool. I think it's kind of been a, well-known secret, a poorly kept

Robin Heinze:

Secret. It's been a poorly kept secret

Jamon Holmgren:

That Amazon uses React Native extensively. I mean, our CIO Gant had actually given a talk there many years ago in front of 300 Amazon engineers about React Native, and they've been slowly and steadily moving forward with that. So now they're listed in the showcase and we can talk about how Amazon is also leaning heavily into React Native. It really just from the big companies kind of just leaves Apple and Google out there with their operating systems and not wanting to

Robin Heinze:

Yeah, I don't other operating system. Think Apple. Yeah, apple and Google are going to go cross-platform

Jamon Holmgren:


Robin Heinze:

Time soon.

Jamon Holmgren:

But I mean, you've got Microsoft heavily involved in this. I mean, they're doing so much stuff in React Native, obviously Amazon, then there's also Shopify. I mean there's just a number of really big companies that are adopting React Native at scale and Amazon.

Robin Heinze:

You can see just from Evan's list, the number of huge big name folks that are using React Native. Exactly.

Jamon Holmgren:

I guess meta itself,

Robin Heinze:

Obviously Facebook.

Jamon Holmgren:

Yes. Okay, so we're out of time, but I do want to mention that you can see all of these and a lot more if you sign up for our wonderful We send out, I think it's a monthly now newsletter with a roundup of all of the news, all the links that you need to see and none that you don't. It's a really great way to stay on top of the React native world and what's happening. It's really well designed and written by Derek Greenberg who is here at Infinite Red. He's the editor in chief of that newsletter. So go check it out. React Native That's it for this episode. Robin, do you have a mom joke to take us out?

Robin Heinze:

I do. I do. This is, even though we're a little past the holidays, here's a holiday themed one for you. If there were 11 elves and another one came along, what would he be? The 12th.

Jamon Holmgren:

Oh, no.

Robin Heinze:

Thank you to the Joke Master Carlin Isaacson. He's the source of all my jokes these days. Alright.

Jamon Holmgren:

Alright everybody, we will see you all next time.

Robin Heinze:


Jed Bartausky:

As always, thanks to our production team with editor Todd Werth, our assistant editor and episode release coordinator. Yours truly, Jed Bartausky, our Director of Marketing, Justin Huskey and our guest coordinator, Derek Greenberg. Our producer and host is Jamon Holmgren and executive producers and hosts are Robin Heinze and Mazen Chami. Thanks to our sponsor, infinite Red. Check us out at Infinite Red slash React native. A special thanks to all of you listening today. Make sure to subscribe to React Native Radio wherever you get your podcasts.